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How We Make Exposed Wire-Cut Clay Bricks.

As a manufacturer and distributor of clay products for construction, our Sales team has mostly been asked us what is it that makes our Elevation bricks made out of clay different from the normal use plastering wire-cut bricks


We source clay in and around the of Dakshin Kananda as for their high plasticity and its richness in oxides.

This quality clay is mostly found in the hill sections of the western ghats.  The Kerala administration has banned the mining of clay and other rock products due to the erosion of the hills resulting in landslides.  Hence, only the northern segment of the western ghats are presently the catchment zones.

This clay is seasoned for almost one year

This oxides in the clay when fired at the correct temperature results in the life time lasting red colour of the brick.


Exposed bricks (also called non-plastering elevation bricks) are manufactured using modern method.

The seasoned clay is first loaded into a crusher which removes organic plan and rock.

Water is added to this and mixed into a uniform consistent mixture.

This is then passed through a passage which sucks out the air from the clay, making it very dense.  This is called as ‘De-airing’

Relatively low moisture clay is then extruded through a die mouth piece to form a column.

The extruded column is then cut using hydraulic wire cut machine to give uniform sizes and sharp edges and straight lines.

They are now placed on racks and left in the drying chamber.  This might take around 21 days plus depending on the climate outside.

Finally, the loaded into our Offman continuous Kiln and fired at around 800 degrees centigrade.

 On completion of firing these are removed from the kiln, sorted based on their final finish

Our non-plastering elevation bricks are ready for shipping.

These are completely exposed extruded and eco-friendly.

No plastering is required and are used for beautification.

Low maintenance cost however little expensive than regular clay bricks.

We are manufacturing exposed solid extruded clay bricks in standard sizes and have variants like Copper Red and Red Orange.

Visit our products page for our bricks range

#ElevationBricks #ClayBricks #ConstructionMaterials #EcoFriendlyBricks #DurableBricks #BuildingMaterials #OutdoorDesign #BrickManufacturing #SustainableConstruction #HighQualityBricks #NonPlasteringBricks #WireCutBricks #BrickInstallation #HomeImprovement #LandscapingBricks

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